Many men do not like to talk about the size of their penis, because they consider it insufficient, as a result of which various complexes and doubts about themselves arise, especially when dealing with the opposite sex. That is why they are actively trying to find a safe and effective method of influencing the penis, one of which is a penis enlargement pump. This device is a cylindrical device, it is used not only to correct the size of the organ, but also to improve the quality of the erection.
Features of using a vacuum pump
A penis enlargement vacuum pump works on a simple principle, so any man can handle it. Pressure rises around the penis, which increases blood circulation to this area, which fills the corpora cavernosa. This process is similar to natural erection, when in a short period of time the penis becomes elastic and firm. This device is used in conjunction with massage techniques to achieve greater efficiency. First you need to know how to use the pump to enlarge the penis.
First of all, it should be borne in mind that when working with the genitals, force cannot be used to avoid bleeding, which can develop in the corpus cavernosum, so severe hematomas and other complications occur. All vacuum pumps are practically the same in structure, regardless of their principle of operation. The most characteristic element is the transparent plastic bulb, next to which there is a ruler to keep track of the changes.

The kit also contains a sealing nozzle to create a complete vacuum and a pear, thanks to which the required pressure in the flask is achieved. Some more expensive models are equipped with additional functions implemented by a setting button, a pressure gauge or a drain valve. The following types of penis enlargement pumps can be distinguished:
- Manual pump. Air removal is performed using a pear or piston. The main advantage of such models is their availability and low cost, however, to achieve a positive result, you will have to work.
- Automatic pumps. The pressure in the balloon is reduced thanks to the built-in electric pump. It requires batteries to function, but some models come with a rechargeable battery. No effort is needed, as everything happens automatically and the current pressure is displayed on the pressure gauge. The most affordable varieties are those that have a suction force regulator.
- Water pump. Instead of air, such devices use air - these are the newest models. The balloon ends with a special cuff with a pump installed. The result of use is achieved faster and more efficiently than in previous cases, while the number of contraindications is much less. The shelf life is much longer than that of conventional products.
Each of these models has a number of characteristics, which influence the choice. The first step is to determine the cost of the product, since this is the main difference between them, as a result of which men can refuse to buy a particular device. Before using the penis enlargement pump correctly, you need to choose a high-quality and more suitable model.
How to choose a vacuum pump?
The correctness of the choice significantly affects the efficiency and safety of using this device. There are several aspects that you need to pay special attention to, otherwise there is a high probability of complications. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account the original size of the penis and the desired result. There are a number of rules to follow:
- The length of the bulb is chosen at least 2-3 centimeters more than the size of the penis in an erect state.
- The thickness should also be 1-2 centimeters thicker.
- For inexperienced users, it is better to give preference to the simpler model.
When choosing, it is important to focus on the material of the product, especially the gasket, because it is thanks to it that complete tightness is ensured. Often, this element quickly becomes unusable under the influence of various factors, mainly the increase in mechanical loads and the use of a lubricating fluid, which can contain harmful compounds. It is better to give preference to a transparent balloon to monitor the state of the organ in the process of using the device, as well as to note temporal manifestations that indicate that it is necessary to stop further manipulations.

Vacuum penis enlargement has a number of features that distinguish this method from the rest, it is important to note that this method has a therapeutic effect on the entire reproductive system. With regular use, the volume of the male genital organ increases and the erection will persist for a long time. The penis slightly loses its sensitivity, due to this the duration of sexual intercourse increases. Many people believe that the penis only increases in length, but this opinion is incorrect, because the increase also occurs in the girth.
In some cases, the device is prescribed in a medical institution, this is advisable in the presence of pathologies or injuries, as a result of which curvature of the penis has occurred. The pump helps keep the penis straight by eliminating the curvature.
Among the shortcomings, the high probability of the appearance of spots on the skin of the genital organ can be noted, which is a consequence of the rupture of the capillaries, and men also note the numbness of the organ, a decrease in erection and the intensity of ejaculation. It is important to note that these manifestations are only the result of improper use of the device. Penis enlargement with a pump is an effective method, but when implementing it, you need to follow some rules and take into account the nuances of the application.
How to use a vacuum pump?
When using for the first time, the device should be used for no more than 5 minutes to prevent side effects and allow the genitals to get used to these manipulations. The problem of using the pump should be approached as responsibly as possible, since improper operation leads not only to not achieving the desired results, but also causes edema and problems with the implementation of erectile function. The procedure must be performed in the following sequence of actions:
- Air is pumped out of the balloon, thereby increasing blood flow to the genitals. First, it is necessary to lubricate the penis with an intimate lubricant, it should not contain animal fats.
- The vacuum pump should not be used for more than 20 minutes at a time.
- To start the air in the device and reduce the pressure, in some models it is necessary to press a special air valve, which, as a rule, is located right next to the pear. In other similar devices, these functions are performed by a hole, which is blocked with a finger at the time of manipulation.
- When the hardness of the penis reaches a certain level, a ring should be placed at the base of the organ. This element compresses the penis, thereby blocking the outflow of blood, so the penis remains in an erect state for a long time.
If the kit includes a hydraulic pump for penis enlargement, before exercising you need to warm up the groin area thoroughly, for this you should take a bath with warm water or make a compress with a warm towel. Such actions will completely relax the scrotum area. After 8 minutes, the penis should be inserted into the flask. The rounded edge of the ring should be in good contact with the scrotum, as a result of which less pressure will act on this area. The device is placed evenly around the entire circumference of the penis, this must be done before starting to pump air. If you perform all these steps correctly, no complications will arise, because the erection pump is a safe and simple device.
To create a vacuum, you need to make a couple of swinging movements. Then the excess liquid is removed, for this you need to use a special valve. Often the pump is pressed 6-8 times, as a result of which all excess liquid is effectively removed. After that, the man can rest for 5 minutes, if a decrease in pressure is felt, the vacuum is pumped up to the required value.
The penis enlargement vacuum cleaner is an excellent method of influencing the size of the penis, which shows really good results, as evidenced by the positive reviews of satisfied customers. There is no need to count on an instant effect, because the course of use of the product is at least 2 months, although the first improvements are seen after 3 weeks. The main thing is to responsibly approach the choice of device and follow all the rules for its use. Only in this case it will be possible to avoid complications and get a positive result in a short time.