Penis enlargement is a plastic surgery with the help of which lengthening and / or increasing the volume of the male penis is achieved.

Dissatisfaction with the length and volume of the penis can cause complexes, lack of confidence in one's sexual abilities and, as a result, tension in relations with a partner. All this considerably reduces the quality of sexual life, introduces disharmony in intimate relationships and can also cause stress and neurosis, up to psychological impotence.
Therefore, the subjective evaluation of one's penis becomes the cause of a significant decrease in the quality of life, and the insufficiency of length and volume of the penis is not only a sexual problem, but also a medical one.
How is penis enlargement performed?
You will spend the first day after the operation in the hospital of our clinic. The stitches will be removed on day 10-12. The rehabilitation period is two weeks, after which it will be possible to return to a normal sex life.
Contraindications for penis enlargement:
- decompensated diabetes mellitus,
- Venereal illnesses,
- acute inflammatory processes of the urogenital area (urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis),
- oncological diseases,
- mental disorders,
- genital herpes,
- the presence of wounds or ulcers on the penis.
With all the huge variety of proposals associated with penis enlargement, the only truly effective solution to this problem today is plastic surgery.
Penis enlargement cannot be achieved through exercise, as the male penis is made up of vascular tissue, not muscle tissue. This is why the usual practice of pumping up the muscles will not help to make the penis more voluminous.
Penis enlargement in the clinic is a quick and radical opportunity to get rid of the causes of dissatisfaction with your penis, such as:
- insufficient length of the penis,
- insufficient thickness of the penis,
- psychological discomfort associated with insufficient penis volume,
- low self-esteem in intimate relationships,
- disharmony in sexual intercourse associated with insecurity in their masculine abilities.
With the help of plastic surgery, you can increase the penis in length, diameter and at the same time in length and diameter. At the initial consultation with a plastic surgeon, you will be told the cost of penis enlargement and an individual operating plan will be drawn up according to your wishes for future penis size.
Penis length enlargement (penis)
To increase the length of the penis, the ligament that supports it from above is crossed and transferred (modified) to a new location. This allows you to free the part of the penis hidden in the body, pushing it out. The increase in the length of the penis depends on its physiological curvature: the length of the internal part, fixed to the ligament.
Usually, the increase in the length of the penis after surgery is 3-4 cm, but it can be up to 10 cm.
No non-surgical method of penis enlargement can provide such results!
Another important advantage of surgical penis enlargement is that the result obtained will last a lifetime. In this way you solve the problem of insufficient length of the penis once and for all.
Penis enlargement surgery takes no more than 40 minutes. Endoscopic control during surgery provides visual monitoring of blood vessels and nerves, which makes the operation safe and minimizes the risk of complications.
After 10-12 days, the sutures will be removed and after three months you can evaluate the final results of the operation.
Increase the thickness of the penis
Penis thickening can be achieved in various ways. Along with classic lipofilling, specialists have accumulated extensive experience in applying the latest proprietary techniques to increase the thickness of the penis.
Lipofilling is the introduction of man's adipose tissue under the skin. The volume of injected adipose tissue is calculated taking into account that half of its amount will be processed by the body. After this happens, the penis will acquire a uniform thickening and natural appearance. Therefore, externally it will be impossible to distinguish the artificial thickness of the penis from the natural one.
Recently, a new progressive development has become the main method of increasing the thickness of the penis, the essence of which is the creation and implementation of a special bio-collagen matrix in the penis. To create this matrix, the patient's blood is used, which is processed using a special technology using a centrifuge.
The inserted matrix powerfully stimulates the cell division of the penis, resulting in an increase in volume.
This innovative technique allows for optimal penis enlargement results with minimal side effects.
Penis Enlargement Results:
- an increase in the length of the penis of 3-4 cm or more;
- a significant increase in the thickness and volume of the penis;
- self-confidence, psychological comfort;
- higher self-esteem in intimate relationships;
- new sensations during intercourse;
- higher quality of sex life.