For the mysterious and incomprehensible, the word "ligamentotomiya" hides such a coveted by many men to increase the penis. The internet is filled with ads with similar proposals, but the effectiveness of conservative procedures that few people believe. Well, if the purchased a "miracle drug" has not just proves to be useless. Worse, when the damage is inflicted and the health of the people, and to his taste. Yet hopes of plastic surgeons. When a man sexually satisfied body, he was pleased with himself, his self-esteem corresponds to the high bar, in an intimate relationship, he is more liberated.
Are there standards of size of the manhood?
Of course, the rigid structures of normal size, does anyone has it installed, and it is stupid if it is as well. Men invent, is it sufficient for the size of his penis, focusing on their own points of view and aesthetic preferences of your partner. Note that the length of the penis has no impact on the degree of satisfaction of the woman during sex. All the same, a deviation from the norm is considered as the phenomenon of micro-penis, where the length of the penis in erection is less than 8 see

The length and thickness of the penis laid genetically, and determined in advance by the peculiarities of physical growth and the development of a boy. If due to any during puberty has been observed failure of production of testosterone, chances of disorders of the development of the external genitalia.
The increase of the thickness of the penis
To increase the diameter of the penis developed a number of techniques. We do not consider these means, such as the introduction under the skin of different freeze balls of pasta, petrolatum, because they generate enormous complications. The only way is to transfer it under the skin of the penis in a piece of tissue taken from another area.
Most often the graft are of the buttocks. On the penis peeled the skin, take a flap of skin with subcutaneous fat layer with the buttocks, for example, and wrap up their shaft of the penis, and then put everything back begins to cover the skin of the penis. Finally, we observe an increase of the thickness of the sexual organ of the'1-2 see, it's not a little, in fact, but if you want more, the adjustment of the other method.
The meaning of the second method of penis enlargement is the transfer on the penis flap of muscle tissue. Because there are located the vascular bundles, carefully combine their own vessels of the penis. The tide of blood during the excitation of a network of blood vessels which causes more hardening of penis and its thickness to be increased significantly.
The increase in the penis length
The penis is not only visible to the eye of the party, about half of its length is hidden in a small basin. To add a few centimeters long, the doctor releases the hidden part and sew the skin. The patient is immersed in a general anaesthetic, after which the doctor dissects suspending a bouquet of penis. Dissection and causes the lengthening of the penis due to its hidden part of the.
After the penis enlargement surgery the patient will wear an extender of 2 to 6 hours per day for 3-4 months. This is done in order to consolidate the result of the operation, to contribute to the growth of the tissues of the penis, to prevent the formation of adhesions. The sexual life refuse to at least 3 weeks. It is recommended to wear is not only not close, and supports the underwear.
If the man is committed to such an operation, it should be ready to take risks and not be afraid of complications. And the complications can be in the form:
- Bleeding, swelling and infection.
- Deformation of the penis.
- The loss of its normal sensitivity.
- The instability in time of the excitation, the so-called "subluxation" during the sexual act.
- The change in the angle of erection (not to the top and towards the front or towards the bottom).
- Disorders of the erection.
More than half of the patients do not have to wait for the result of the operation, which turns out in the end. In the framework of the study has shown that, even when repeated manipulation, do not provide desired a man effect. Therefore, a hundred times think before to take a decision on the increase of the penis. The surgery's statement is only the length of the penis of less than 8 cm in the excited state, in all other cases, it is preferable to just there and be in good health, than to make a bunch of unnecessary complications.