The size of the penis for every man is an important indicator. The concern over this issue, often creates psychological problems in the personal life and serves as the basis for the development of the complex.
What is normal penis size

In medical practice, sexologists, it is best to divide the size of the penis in four categories:
- micropenis. In this case, the length of a member does not exceed 2 cm,
- a small penis. In the excited state its length does not exceed 9.5 cm,
- a normal member. The standard size of the manhood in the excited state exceeds 9.5 cm
- the giant. To them declare themselves to be sex members, which reach a length of 24 cm or more, erect.
The relationship between the size of the penis at rest and in the erection of the researchers has not been revealed. Often, a small organ in the excitement is pretty awesome, and vice-versa, a large member of almost does not change volume and length.
The dimension of the penis is in a state of rest, erect, and maximum traction. The reference point is the angle between the abdominal wall and the base of his member, the measurement is done at the edge of the head.
For the better able to use the square, as well as for the emergence of a good size you have to stand at an angle of 90 degrees between the abdominal wall and the base of the penis.
For men, unhappy with the size of their member, there are several ways to remedy the situation. But before you decide on radical movements, it is advisable to speak with a psychologist, an andrologist and urologist, who can admire, in detail, explain all the advantages and disadvantages of the change.
Often, after you have achieved the desired result, the man is still distracting. The new dimensions do not add successes on the forehead, sexual and do not give a specific feeling. It is necessary to renounce all bad habits in the treatment period, to maintain a healthy lifestyle and eliminate certain foods from your diet. Therefore, the imaginary of the dignity impressive of the authority are a myth, and the potential for the patient should seriously consider the risks and consequences.
A real increase of a member occurs as a result of the use of special apparatus and during the intervention. The other methods can only contribute to the growth of the penis, but real change will not do.

The machines, to increase the size of the penis are the following devices:
- the vacuum pump,
- they allow (to provide the external pull).
To obtain a result with the help of special devices usually requires 4 to 6 months.
A radical way of penis enlargement is considered as a surgical procedure. In the course of the rapid intervention is possible to modify the length and the thickness of the authority, if necessary, correct the shape of phallus and solve the erectile dysfunction.
Usually the result of an intervention may not increase the penis by 2-3 cm, which is a good indicator in surgical practice.
In addition to the use of devices and operations, increase the length and thickness of the penis with the help of ointments, gels or creams. These ways are good, when men have no desire to be subjected to a surgical intervention, but the effectiveness of these products is low, and often to a result that is quite impossible.
Ways to enlarge the penis
The main ways to change the size of the penis consider the use of special equipment, surgery, food and popular recipes.
The use of devices
The effective influence on the erectile tissues of the penis have special tools designed to stretch the penis and pumping under vacuum.
The machines provide resistance to the traction effects are extensor. This device consists of a support, the clearance, the ring and the shank of the regulation is included with effect.

Member fixed to the device and using the rod pull length. In this position, the penis must be more than 30 minutes. Following the exposure of the device to the corpora cavernosa lengthen, and during the filling in of their blood during the erection, an increase in the size of the authority.
For more stability, and the results when using a multiplier, it will take at least three months of daily exercise. You can achieve the increase of the length of about 3 cm, and the thickness of a member for 1,5 see
Following an effective mechanism for the change in the size of the penis vacuum pump. The action of this device is based on the creation of a negative pressure inside sealed to the bulb, which put the sexual organ. You can load the atmosphere delivers a powerful rush of blood and expansion of the paris phone This situation set using a ring on for several minutes, during which occurs a gradual increase of the authority.
As in the case of the extender, to achieve a result, it will take a few months up to six months.

The device of a stretcher you can use permanently, and invisible to others. Its action is based on the same principles as the work of a multiplier, but the effectiveness of this device below, although to add to its using, 1 to 2 cm is possible.
The application of the cock rings allows to determine the excited state penis for up to 30 minutes. This action gives the possibility of small stretches in the cavernous body of the penis, but the increase in length does not give it practically. The main task of this device – the normalization of erectile function in older men.
Use each device with caution, having carefully considered the record. The sensation of the pain — the signal for the cessation of the physical impact on the body, as well as possible injuries of the skin and capillaries.
The general rules of the use of devices to enlarge the penis:
- before training and just after, you need to proceed with the hygiene procedures
- the surface of appliances wipe antiseptic compositions after each use,
- too dry the skin on the sexual organ it is necessary to hydrate before exercise by the child of the cream.
- the defeat of the internal organs of the urinary tract,
- cardio-vascular diseases,
- pathology of the liver and kidneys,
- deformation of the penis,
- diabetes mellitus.
The excessive use of the devices is capable of mitigating the sensitivity of the penis, disrupting the normal process of ejaculation, and even cause infertility.
Enlargement of the penis on the operating table is not approved by the specialists urologists, in particular when a man with the normal of the constitution, attempts to change the natural grandeur. In this case, it is recommended to apply to a sexologist or a therapist who can convince the man not to do hasty steps.
The fact that a surgery does not go unnoticed for the body, but in the case of so sweet and the competent authority, of the errors in the operating system lead to serious consequences. It is particularly difficult to maintain the usual operation of the penis after prosthesis penile and use of the method "Perovic".
Before taking a decision on the operation, the man must carefully weigh the pros and cons of this procedure. The doctors recommend to perform such a manipulation with the penis only in cases of abnormalities, pathologies such as the restoration of the injury of the authority. Patients with dimensions, who wish for any reason to get the more impressive of the sexual organ, it is necessary to renounce the idea of the surgical procedure, in order not to disrupt the functioning of erectile function.
Usually, to enlarge the penis is to use methods of correction: ligamentum and lipo-filling.

This method can help patients with a micropenis, the quality of the output of the operation is at a high level, resulting in complications and side effects is practically not fixed.
The method consists of releasing a part of the penis that is located inside the area of the pubic. When the minimum size of the authority (up to 2 cm), the other variant, as the intersection of suspensory ligaments, not. The result of this operation, the length of the penis can increase 1-2 see
To obtain more important results, a rapid response is necessary to supplement the aid of a multiplier. This device, you have all day to set for 3-4 months, which will add even more of 2-3 cm with the formation of adhesions in the tissues of the penis.
This operation gives the possibility to increase the thickness of the penis by the introduction of adipose tissue in the body.
The fat tissue is removed from the body of a man (with the belly and the buttocks) and after a clean uniform introduced into the subcutaneous tissue using a syringe.
This operation is not serious and has virtually no negative manifestations. After the intervention of the thickness of the penis increases by an inch, but this result is of short duration and in a year or two, the operation will have to do it again.
The graft of muscle tissue
This type of surgical procedure to increase the thickness of the penis is complex and risky procedure.
To obtain the desired size, it is necessary to proceed to transplantation of the tissue, which is excised from the armpit of the cache or of the abdominal wall. Received the biological material insert on the perimeter of the sexual organ of increasing the thickness of 3-4 see the Complexity of the operation is ordered, the suture of blood vessels.
When some of the indications takes place, the prosthesis of penis. Operation is carried out by the 'Classical' method, when to increase use of flexible materials, or the manner of "Perovic" with the cartilaginous tissue.
The products of the power
To increase the size of the sexual organ of the optional resort to extreme measures. It is enough to normalize the power and to include in the diet of foods that stimulate the growth of muscle tissue, thanks to the high content of useful trace elements and proteins.

In addition to the impact on the growth of the penis, all the recommended products to boost the power:
- Of the meat. To get a positive result, it is necessary to use varieties that are low in fat. Agree: beef, rabbit, turkey. Without the proteins contained in the meat, it is impossible to build muscle, but the excess fat during cooking it is necessary to get rid of.
- The fruits of the sea. Use of fish and other seafood is required for the maintenance of erectile function, and muscle strengthening. Seafood and fish of the river, crustaceans, molluscs (especially oysters), allow you to get the male body desired protein, as well as zinc and selenium, which makes the water to be treated on the strengthening of the power and of the formation of testosterone.
- Nuts. For the male body is better suited to nuts, the hazelnuts, walnuts and cashew nuts. Thanks to the arginine is found in the composition of these products, there is a normalization of the vasculature in the pelvic organs, which allows it to better fill the erectile tissues in the penis plasma.
- Dairy products. The high content of protein and calcium in the cheese, oil, milk and yogurt, not only helps you increase muscle mass, but gives the opportunity to strengthen the bone tissue. Dairy products normalize the work of the intestine and promoting the exit of toxins, but during the development of the ration need to limit your fat intake of oil.
- The fruit. The abundance of vitamins, fiber and trace elements contained in fruits, it is necessary to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the growth of the penis. Preference should be given: bananas, pears, apples, pineapples and all citrus fruits.
- Cereals. It is recommended that men first pay attention to dishes from buckwheat.
- Of the oil. For the dressing, it is recommended to give up the mayonnaise and the sour cream in favor of vegetable oils. The flaxseed oil helps to normalize the functioning of the prostate gland, and stimulates the production of testosterone, of a pumpkin improves the power. Also it is recommended to use sesame oil and mustard oil.
Folk remedies

Increase the manhood at home, you can, using the tools at the base of the drugs on the popular recipes. The most effective are the following:
- Thyme. To prepare the broth needs 100 grams of dry plant and 1000 ml of boiling water. Brewed beverage during 4 hours, after which using it with a course of 4 months.
- Garlic. The three large pods need to crush and pour 500 ml of vodka, after which the healing ability of glass is placed in the dark and fresh for 10 days. Consume the tincture in a period of three months.
- The collection for the friction. Take the root of ginseng, the fruit of the hawthorn and the leaves of ginkgo 50 grams. Pour the boiling water in a volume of 500 ml and send to languish on low heat for 10 minutes. The broth is obtained, it is recommended to rub in the sexual organ.
- Absinthe. The seeds of plants in the volume of 100 grams of pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 10 minutes. The broth obtained is taken before meals three times per day.
The use of remedies do not give quick results. The penis will grow, but the effect will be visible after 5-6 months.
The benefits of natural medicines include the following factors:
- the availability of plant material
- safety (overdose of herbal medicines is possible, but rarely happens),
- long-term effect.
The disadvantages of herbal medication are the following:
- before you get a result spends a lot of time
- not, there is always the possibility to buy the ingredients, and for the collection and preparation of plants at home, it takes time.
To solve the problem of the increase in the male of the authority and of the increase of sexual activity can be done in different ways, but when using any method that is advisable to consult a doctor to avoid injury, the side effects and adverse events.